Hospitality Awards 2023

AA Sustainable Award

                                                                                                                                                              Award sponsored by


About the award

This award recognises a clear commitment to sustainability, demonstrated through good practice and policy to make a positive contribution to reducing impact on the environment.

The PIG Hotel Group 

Sustainability has always been an integral part of THE PIG Hotel Group, which is now in its 12th year, with eight hotels and two more piglets on the way. With everything starting from its kitchen gardens and an approach to sourcing as local as possible, it's evolved a wonderful holistic approach that is core to the operation of the whole group.

Aligned with the United Nations' sustainable development goals, the group produces an impressive annual impact report which highlights many sustainability successes, and in turn, the hard work put in by a dedicated and focused team. Highlights include: longterm support for charities Action for Hunger and Hospitality Action; a 'reduce and reuse' programme, which has saved over 140,000 bottles; the championing of English wine and their first shipment of wine by sail; and an approach that values employee welfare, as well as training and apprenticeship schemes.

Sustainable Award Previous Winners